The 2n3904 is a common npn bipolar junction transistor used for generalpurpose lowpower amplifying or switching applications. The ksp2222 is an equivalent of the 2n2222 but is packaged in a plastic package known as a to92 package. Transistor and diode data books for design engineers a useful addition to your. A bc108 transistor is an npn negativepositivenegative bipolar transistor. The letter at the end identifies versions with different voltage ratings. Electronics club transistor circuits functional model. A transistor amplifies current and can be used as a switch, as explained on this page. Bc series types are small signal npn silicon transistors, manufactured by the epitaxial planar process.
Can you guys help me find out the transistors that can. Aug 27, 2010 the bc108 is a low power general purpose npn transistor in a metal package. The transistors recommended for the project were 2n3565,mps6514 or bc108. The most noticeable difference is in the packaging and pin configuration.
Bcb, bca, b, c, bcb, c amplifier transistors npn silicon. You are far better off understanding the specifications, particular those of particular interest to your application, and using a book or table of specs to find a proper substitute, or posting on sites like aac for help choosing. Bc108 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. The table below shows the most important technical data for some popular transistors, tables in catalogues and reference books will usually show additional information but this is unlikely to be useful unless you are experienced. Bc107 bc108 low noise general purpose audio amplifiers description the bc107 and bc108 are silicon planar epitaxial npn transistors in to18 metal case. Apr 08, 2020 the bc108 transistor is an npn transistor. Yesterday i bought a 2n3904 transistor that costed only rs. There are three main series of transistor codes used in the uk. It is notably often the first type of bipolar transistor hobbyists encounter and is often featured in designs in hobby electronics magazines where a generalpurpose transistor is required. Bc108 multicomp pro, bipolar bjt single transistor. There are two types of standard bipolar junction transistors, npn and pnp, with. Is there a big difference between a bc108 and a bc109 fuzz.
Transistor equivalent book 2sc2238 free download as pdf file. The initial 2n identifies the part as a transistor and the rest of the code identifies the particular transistor. Matching transistor pairs are available with 5% and 10% matching on hfe or hfe. Matching transistor pairs are available with 5% and 10% matching on. The generalpurpose range of transistors is a good substitute for basic noncritical audio applications, as these transistors are similar and equivalents to each other. Maximum output current from ic check the ic datasheet. Also what would be the different applications of the two transistors. Is there any webbased or stand alone program to do such service for transistors and ics. Bc107bc108 series low power bipolar transistors page 3 200406 v1. Whats the difference between the bc108 and bc109c silicon transistors a. Suitable for applications requiring low noise and good hfe linearity, eg. Bc107 equivalent transistors equivalent transistor bc108 bc108 equivalent bc177 equivalent bc107 equivalent bc178 equivalent equivalent of bc178 2n3963 equivalent transistor equivalent bc108. Problem is, i cant find a bc148 transistor and im looking for a substitute.
Bc108 transistor datasheet pdf the central semiconductor bc, bc. Bc109c datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. Bc107 bc108 bc109 transistor data sheet slideshare. In practice, the af125 can be used to replace af114115116. Bc107 bc108 bc109 mechanical data dimensions in mm inches general purpose small signal npn bipolar transistor 5. The name bc107 has to be decoded as below b silicon transistor. Power transistors usually have bolt holes for attaching heat sinks, but clipon heat sinks are also available. Another point to watch is that equivalent books list the af239s as a replacement for the af11x range. Suitable for use in a wide range of applications and can handle continuous dc currents of up to 120ma. The bc107, bc108 and bc109 are generalpurpose low power silicon npn bipolar junction transistors found very often in equipment and electronics books articles from europe, australia and many other countries from the 1960s. Make sure you use the right type for your transistor.
The bc141 is also a general purpose npn transistor in a metal package with a higher voltage rating probably unnecessary in your application and higher current rating. I tend to see more bc108 fuzz faces i know this was gilmours choice than bc109 fuzz faces. Besides being in the famous original fuzz face, the ac128 was used in numerous domestic electronic appliance, and certainly one of the most common european transistor. Bc109 npn transistor complementary pnp, replacement. Inexpensive plastic packaged pn 2222a, 2n3904, 2n4401, or 2sc945 should all be acceptable substitutes. Electronics club transistors types, connecting, soldering. Equivalent transistor bc108 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and. An npn bc108 transistor has a positive material base, and the collector and emitter are negative materials. Bipolar bjt single transistor, general purpose, npn, 25 v, 150 mhz, 600 mw, 200 ma, 110 hfe. Now that i almost have all the muffs i could want im now looking at fuzz faces. Bc107 bc108 bc109 low noise general purpose audio amplifiers description the bc107, bc108 and bc109 are silicon planar epitaxial npn transistors in to18 metal case. What are the specifications of bc107 or bc108 transistors.
The gain of the bc108a will be in the range from 110 to 220, bc108b ranges from 200 to 450, bc108c ranges from 420 to 800. Transistors substitutionsequivalents all about circuits. Hi, im trying to find an equivalent for the sl100 transistor but i dont understand how to do this. Transistors have three pins called emitter e, baseb and collectorc. Components study 555 projects construction solder books faq symbols starter kit tools.
General purpose transistors technical data and comparison tables. If a project specifies a higher gain version bc108c it must be used, but if the general code is given bc108 any transistor with that code is suitable. Bc108, bc108 npn general purpose transistor, buy bc108 transistor. The bc548 is a generalpurpose npn bipolar junction transistor commonly used in european and american electronic equipment. However the af239s is a uhf device designed for use in tv uhf tuners and has a low gain min hfe 10 compared with the af11x types min hfe 50 and my experience is that it wont work properly if at all in most radio circuits. Bc107 bc108 bc109 low power bipolar transistors page 1 300505 v1. Micro electronics datasheet for bc1079, bc1679, bc2379, bc3179 pdf. Texas instruments transistor and diode databook 1st ed 1973 datasheets for diodes from 1n251 on and transistors from 2n117 on acrobat 7 pdf 34.
It is a good way to test a transistor and confirm it is working. The bc141 is also a general purpose npn transistor in a metal package with a higher voltage rating probably unnecessary in your application and higher current rating also unnecessary for most. C transistor is used as a audio frequency amplifier the numerals 107 indicate the type npnpnp a. In the two main types of transistors, the base is made of either positive or negative material. Aug 09, 2019 bc108 transistor datasheet pdf the central semiconductor bc, bc.
Dec 11, 2017 2n2222a is a npn transistor hence the collector and emitter will be left open reverse biased when the base pin is held at ground and will be closed forward biased when a signal is provided to base pin. High voltage 75v video amplifier for transistor tvs. The gain of germanium transistor will increase as the temperature goes up. A transistor is a device that regulates current or voltage flow and acts as a switch or gate for electronic signals. Transistor codes surface mount, pnp, npn, choosing transistor. Jun 12, 2019 bc108 transistor datasheet pdf the central semiconductor bc, bc. Bc108 npn transistor to18 case the bc108 is a npn transistor in to18 metal package. Transistor codes surface mount, pnp, npn, choosing. Is there any website which could help me find an equivalent transistor. These transistors are the direct modern equivalent replacements to the earlier bc107, bc108, and bc109. You can build this circuit with two standard 5mm red leds and any general purpose low power npn transistor bc108, bc182 or bc548 for example.
Basic semiconductor physics, diodes, the nonlinear diode model, load line analysis, large signal diode models, offset diode model, transistors, large signal bjt model, load line analysis, small signal model and transistor amplification. Bc107 bc108 series low power bipolar transistors page 3 200406 v1. Adding new transistors to ltspice electronics forum. Bc108 npn transistor complementary pnp, replacement. Bc237 applications of transistor bc108 transistor c transistor equivalent 2n5551. Bc108 bc108 npn general purpose transistor futurlec. The bc548 is a part of a family of npn and pnp epitaxial silicon transistors that originated with the metalcased bc108 family of transistors. Transistors can be damaged by heat when soldering so if you are not an expert it is wise to use a heat sink clipped to the lead between the joint and the transistor body. There is no listed equivalent to the af118 and where replacement is needed for an old transistor tv, it may be necessary to rejig the circuit to take a suitably rated silicon device. I am kinda new to this circuit making stuff, and i took a introductory subject to electrical engineering. Bc183 vs bc108 transistors fender stratocaster guitar forum. All the substitution books i have seen have been highly unreliable. Many transistors have metal cases which are connected to one of their leads so it may be necessary to insulate the heat sink from the transistor. You can buy a special tool, but a standard crocodile clip without a plastic cover works just as well and is cheaper.
They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circuits of television receivers. They were created by philips and mullard in 1963 and introduced in april 1966. Home transistors general purpose bc series bc108 bc108 npn small signal transistor datasheet buy bc108 technical information philips semiconductors bc108 datasheet. The transistor base sits between the collector and the emitter. I have seen fuzzes with many different silicon transistors but none with bc183s. In sweden,the bc108 was the one you could easily get. The way that a 2n2222, bc107, bc108 and bc109 transistor symbol maps to the physical device is shown in the diagram below. This is why today, i would like to introduce you to my old buddy, the ac128 germanium transistor, exclusively used in my handmade mercer box and katapult pedals. Jun 19, 2019 bc108 transistor datasheet pdf the central semiconductor bc, bc. Substitute to bc148 transistor electronics forum circuits.
The complete specifications would be present in its datasheet. Mar 10, 2009 all the substitution books i have seen have been highly unreliable. Transistor transistors for beginners in electronics. What can i use in the replacement of a bc549 transistor.
A look at the bc107 bc108 bc109 datasheet shows this at work. May 28, 2014 how transistors work is probably the hardest concept for you to understand as a beginner. The bc107, bc108 and bc109 are generalpurpose low power silicon npn bipolar junction transistors found very often in equipment and electronics books articles from. Bc108, bc108 datasheet, bc108 npn small signal transistor datasheet, buy bc108 transistor. Equivalent transistor bc108 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. The traansistor curves focus on the output of the transistor, but we can also consider the behavior of the input. The bc549c is an npn transistor belonging to a group of generalpurpose npn semiconductors consisting of bc547, bc548, and bc549. Most projects will specify a particular transistor, but if necessary you can usually substitute an equivalent transistor from the wide range available. Apr 05, 2008 i during 80s and 90s, i used to search for components equivalents in books. Diodes and transistors pdf 28p this note covers the following topics. Bc109 npn general purpose transistors 1997 sep 03 product specification supersedes. Alternatively, you can download the free openoffice suite from. At the time i bought every electronic magazine i could get hold of that contained constructional projects for guitar pedals.
Now my question is, what is the difference between the two, that their cost varies this much. They become essentially useless in any settings that are warmer than room temperature. Transistor equivalent book 2sc2238 transistor integrated circuit. The bc109 package was to18 sot18 metal canister, whilst the modern bc549 package is a to92 sot54 plastic material. The bc108 is the traditional silicon transistor for the fuzz face. Sl100 transistor equivalent electronics forum circuits. Bojack 10 values 250 pcs a1015 bc327 bc337 c1815 s8050 s8550 2n2222 2n2907 2n3904 2n3906 pnp npn power general purpose transistors assortment kit 4.
Bc107 bc108 series low power bipolar transistors page 2 200406 v1. The quantities shown in the table are explained below. Bc series types are small signal npn silicon transistors, manufactured by. Jul 30, 2012 the ksp2222 is an equivalent of the 2n2222 but is packaged in a plastic package known as a to92 package. Is there a big difference between bc108 and bc109 transistors. The bc108 transistor might have a current gain anywhere between 110 and 800. The bc108 is a low power general purpose npn transistor in a metal package.
The problem is that almost everyone is trying to teach that a transistor is a semiconductor device. They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circuits of television reveivers. Vbe decreases by about 2 mvk with increasing temperature. Motorola small signal transistor data book 1984 motorola inc 1983 acrobat 7 pdf 47.
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